Virtualbox Ubuntu Macos

MacOS VirtualBox VM on Ubuntu

  1. Virtualbox Ubuntu Mount Shared Folder
  2. Virtualbox Ubuntu Install Macos

Virtualbox has the option for a MacOS virtual machine in it’s New VM dialog, but we will need to make further adjustments to make it truly Mac-ready. Pop open Virtualbox, and Create a new Virtual Machine. Name this MacOS Mojave, and set it to Mac OS X (64-bit). Open the VirtualBox software and click the “New” button. This will launch the ”create a new VM”.

Posted by Shujin Wu on February 23, 2017


Step 1: Download the Sierra installer from Mac App Store.

This should be done in you Mac and the installer will be placed in /Application/ folder.

Step 2: Prepare Sierra iso

Nhl for mac os. Use geerlingguy’s script to prepare a sierra iso file.

Step3: Install VirtualBox in Ubuntu

You should have your VirtualBox and the Extension Pack installed, or use my ansible role

Virtualbox Ubuntu Mount Shared Folder

Step 4: Open VirtualBox and create a new VM.

Edit pdf for mac free. Settings:

  • name: your_sierra_vm_name
  • type: Osx
  • version: Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan (64-bit)
  • Other

Step5: Configure VM for MacOS (Very important!)

Run following commands and replace “Sierra” with ‘your_sierra_vm_name’.

Step 6: Install Sierra

Insert sierra.iso to the sierra VM’s optical driver, and follow the instruction to install Sierra.


Note: In the installer, Go to Utilities > Disk Utility. Vk saver for mac. Select the VirtualBox disk and choose Erase to format it as a Mac OS Extended (Journaled) drive.

Step 7: Remove sierra.iso and restart VM.


See also:

I have installed Virtualbox 6.0 on my Mac OSX (Mojave) with ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (Desktop) as my guest OS. Guest OS installation went fine. However, the desktop screen is just too tiny to read anything. After installing Guest additions, I am getting a blank screen (not even login prompt). How should I proceed?
Other trials

Virtualbox Ubuntu Install Macos

I then downloaded previous versions of Virtualbox 5.20 and 5.18. The screen size is a little better but still isn't still full even after installing guest additions. Tried to attach the screenshot but is too big.