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- Editing JSON with Visual Studio Code. JSON is a data format that is common in configuration files like package.json or project.json. We also use it extensively in Visual Studio Code for our configuration files. When opening a file that ends with.json, VS Code provides features to make it simpler to write or modify the file's content.
- To follow VS Code's model to confirm workspace local settings that impact code execution the two settings eslint.runtime and eslint.nodePath now need user confirmation if defined locally in a workspace folder or a workspace file. Users using these settings in those local scopes will see a notification reminding them of the confirmation need.
Visual Studio Code Linter Typescript
PyLint, a widely used tool that checks for errors in Python code and encourages good Python coding patterns, is integrated into Visual Studio for Python projects.
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Run PyLint
Just right-click a Python project in Solution Explorer and select Python > Run PyLint:
Using this command prompts you to install PyLint into your active environment if it's not already present.
PyLint warnings and errors appear in the Error List window:
Double-clicking an error takes you directly to the source code that generated the issue.
See the PyLint features reference for a detailed list of all the PyLint output messages.
Set PyLint command-line options
The command-line options section of the PyLint documentation describes how to control PyLint's behavior through a .pylintrc configuration file. Such a file can be placed in the root of a Python project in Visual Studio or elsewhere depending on how widely you want those settings applied (see the command-line options for details).
For example, to suppress the 'missing docstring' warnings shown in the previous image with a .pylintrc file in a project, do the steps:
On the command line, navigate to your project root (which has your .pyproj file) and run the following command to generate a commented configuration file:
In Visual Studio Solution Explorer, right-click your project, select Add > Existing Item, navigate to the new .pylintrc file, select it, and select Add.
Open the file for editing, which has several settings you can work with. To disable a warning, locate the
section, then locate thedisable
setting in that section. There's a long string of specific messages, to which you can append whichever warnings you want. In the example here, append,missing-docstring
(including the delineating comma).Save the .pylintrc file and run PyLint again to see that the warnings are now suppressed.
To use a .pylintrc file from a network share, create an environment variable named PYLINTRC
with the value of the filename on the network share using a UNC path or a mapped drive letter. For example, PYLINTRC=mysharepython.pylintrc