Web Scraping Python Beautifulsoup Selenium

We can perform web scraping with Selenium webdriver and BeautifulSoup. Web Scraping is used to extract content from a page. In Python, it is achieved with the BeautifulSoup package. Sep 03, 2020 If you are a beginner to web scraping with Python, check out my guides on Extracting Data from HTML with BeautifulSoup and Crawling the Web with Python and Scrapy. Choose the Right Tool Choosing the right tool depends on the type of project you are working on, since Python has a wide variety of libraries and frameworks for web scraping.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to scrap web using selenium and beautiful soup. I am going to use these tools to collect recipes from a food website and store them in a structured format in a database. The two tasks involved in collecting the recipes are: Earth google download for mac.

  • Get all the recipe urls from the website using selenium
  • Convert the html information of a recipe webpage into a structed json using beautiful soup.

For our task, I picked the NDTV food as a source for extracting recipes.



Selenim Webdriver automates web browsers. The important use case of it is for autmating web applications for the testing purposes. It can also be used for web scraping. In our case, I used it for extracting all the urls corresponding to the recipes.


Web Scraping Python Beautifulsoup Selenium Programming

I used selenium python bindings for using selenium web dirver. Through this python API, we can access all the functionalities of selenium web dirvers like Firefox, IE, Chrome, etc. We can use the following command for installing the selenium python API.

Selenium python API requires a web driver to interface with your choosen browser. The corresponding web drivers can be downloaded from the following links. And also make sure it is in your PATH, e.g. /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin. For more information regarding installation, please refer to the link.

Web Scraping Python Beautifulsoup Selenium Tutorial

Web browserWeb driver link

I used chromedriver to automate the google chrome web browser. The following block of code opens the website in seperate window. Tiny take for mac.

Traversing the Sitemap of website

The website that we want to scrape looks like this:


We need to collect all the group of the recipes like categories, cusine, festivals, occasion, member recipes, chefs, restaurant as shown in the above image. To do this, we will select the tab element and extract the text in it. We can find the id of the the tab and its attributes by inspect the source.In our case, id is insidetab. We can extract the tab contents and their hyper links using the following lines.

We need to follow each of these collected links and construct a link hierachy for the second level.

When you load the leaf of the above sub_category_links dictionary, you will encounter the following pages with ‘Show More’ button as shown in the below image. Selenium shines at tasks like this where we can actually click the button using element.click() method.

For the click automation, we will use the below block of code.

Now let’s get all the recipes in NDTV!

Beautiful Soup

Now that we extracted all the recipe URLs, the next task is to open these URLs and parse HTML to extract relevant information. We will use Requests python library to open the urls and excellent Beautiful Soup library to parse the opened html.

Web Scraping Python Beautifulsoup Selenium

Here’s how an example recipe page looks like:

soup is the root of the parsed tree of our html page which will allow us to navigate and search elements in the tree. Let’s get the div containing the recipe and restrict our further search to this subtree.

Inspect the source page and get the class name for recipe container. In our case the recipe container class name is recp-det-cont.

Let’s start by extracting the name of the dish. get_text() extracts all the text inside the subtree.

Now let’s extract the source of the image of the dish. Inspect element reveals that img wrapped in picture inside a div of class art_imgwrap.

BeautifulSoup allows us to navigate the tree as desired.


Using Selenium Python

Finally, ingredients and instructions are li elements contained in div of classes ingredients and method respectively. While find gets first element matching the query, find_all returns list of all matched elements.

Web Scraping With Python Beautifulsoup Requests & Selenium Udemy

Overall, this project allowed me to extract 2031 recipes each with json which looks like this: