Audacity Raspberry Pi 4


Seeed’s ReSpeaker 4-Mic Linear Array Kit isan extension board, aka HAT designed for Raspberry Pi. It's a linear microphone arraykit, comes with four microphones anddesigned for AI and voice applications. Thatmeans you can build a more powerful andflexible voice product with Raspberry Piwhich can integrate Amazon Alexa VoiceService, Google Assistant, and so on.

  1. I built Audacity from source code in Raspberry Pi 4. Here are some info about the build: wxWidgets-3.0.5. Sudo apt-get install gtk+2.0./configure -with-gtk make sudo make install sudo ldconfig audacity. Cd audacity-minsrc-2.2.2-rc1/ mkdir build cd build/./configure -with-lib-preference='local system'.
  2. Connect the ReSpeaker Voice Accessory HAT with ReSpeaker 4-Mic linear Array via the Ribbon Cable. Plug the ReSpeaker Voice Accessory HAT into the Raspberry Pi via the 40 Pin GPIO. Plug the earphone into the 3.5mm headset audio jack or plug the speaker into the JST 2.0 speaker jack. Connect the Raspberry Pi with the PC via the micro-USB cable.
  3. When I use Voice Recorder, it always saves it as a.m4a, but I need the file as a.wav. I know it is possible using Sound Recorder in Windows 7, but Windows 10 seems to use a different program.

ReSpeaker 4-Mic Linear Array Kit forRaspberry Pi consists of two boards, one isvoice accessory HAT, another is fourmicrophones linear array.

Audacity is a popular open source audio editor and a great tool for your audio editing needs. But there's a strong chance you're not using Audacity to its full capability. The feature-strong application offers amazing sound effects that can be used to add an extra dimension of polish to your audio projects.

ReSpeaker 4-Mic Linear Array Kit forRaspberry Pi support 8 input & 8 outputchannels in Raspbian system. The first 6input channel for microphonerecording(only first 4 input channels arevalid capture data), rest of 2 input channelare echo channel of playback. The first 2output channel for playing, rest of 6 outputchannel are dummy.


  • 2 ADC chips and 1 DAC chip
  • 8 input and 8 output channels
  • Four microphones array
  • Grove support
  • Raspberry Pi compatible(Support Raspberry Pi Zero and Zero W, Raspberry Pi B+, Raspberry Pi 2 B, Raspberry Pi 3 B, Raspberry Pi 3 B+, Raspberry Pi 3 A+ and Raspberry Pi 4)
  • Headset and speaker voice output


  • 2 x X-Power AC108 ADC
  • 4 x high performance analog microphones
  • 1 x X-Power AC101 DAC
  • Voice output:
    • 3.5mm headset audio jack
    • Speaker jack
  • Compatible with Raspberry Pi 40-pin headers
  • Microphones: MSM321A3729H9BP
  • Sensitivity: -22 dBFS (Omnidirectional)
  • SNR: 59 dB
  • Max Sample Rate: 48Khz

Application Ideas¶

  • Smart speaker
  • Intelligent voice assistant systems
  • Voice recorders
  • Voice conferencing system
  • Meeting communicating equipment
  • Voice interacting robot
  • Car voice assistant
  • Other scenarios need voice command

Hardware Overview¶

System Diagram



After connecting, be sure to use a multimeter to determine if the conduction of the circuit is as indicated in the figure above.

Assembly drawing¶

Getting Started¶



Audacity Raspberry Pi 4 Download

ReSpeaker 4-Mic Linear Array Kit x1

Raspberry Pi 3B or 3B+ x1

Micro-USB Cable x1

PC x1

Earphone or Speaker x1


Actually the ReSpeaker 4-Mic Circular Array support Raspberry Pi Zero, Raspberry Pi 1 B+, Raspberry Pi 2 B, Raspberry Pi 3 B and Raspberry Pi 3 model B+ and Raspberry Pi 3 A+, in this wiki we are using Raspberry Pi 3.

Audacity Raspberry Pi 4

Writer pro for mac. Connection

Step 1. Connect the ReSpeaker Voice Accessory HAT with ReSpeaker 4-Mic linear Array via the Ribbon Cable

Step 2. Plug the ReSpeaker Voice Accessory HAT into the Raspberry Pi via the 40 Pin GPIO

Step 3. Plug the earphone into the 3.5mm headset audio jack or plug the speaker into the JST 2.0 speaker jack

Step 4. Connect the Raspberry Pi with the PC via the micro-USB cable



Plan A

You need to use Putty or other ssh tools to connect with your raspberry pi. Before started, please make sure:

Audacity Raspberry Pi 4 8gb

1- Open ssh fuction of your pi to let the putty in. If you do not know how to open ssh, please google how to setup ssh raspberry pi

Raspberry Pi 4 Audio Quality

2- Your raspberry pi and your PC are working on the same WiFi net. If you do not know how to config WiFi, please google how to setup wifi raspberry pi


3- Get the ip address of your raspberry pi, if you do not know how to get the ip address please refer to raspberry offical documentation

4- Use the ip address to connect the raspberry pi with your PC via putty ssh serve.

Then please tap the host name and the password. the default ID is pi and the password is raspberry.

Now you are in, and you can tap the command in putty and play with your raspberry.

To make this kit work with alexa or dueros, you need to open a web site to get the authorization. So you need to use VNC Viewer to log in your amazon or baidu account. So please make sure you have open the VNC service of your raspberry.

Audacity Raspberry Pi 4 Projects

Or you can just consider plan B.

Plan B

If you are tired of all above, you can just use a HDMI Monitor and plug the USB Keyboard and USB mouse in to your raspberry, it works too, simple and easy.

Step 1. Install seeed-voicecard

Get the seeed voice card source code. and install all linux kernel drivers.

Step 2. Check the Sound Card

Tap the command below to check the record device.

It should be like:

Use the following command to check the play device.

It should be like:

Step 3. Record and Play

You can record then play, or you can record and play at the same time.


Limit for developer using 4-Mic linear Array Kit(or 4-Mic Linear Array Kit) doing capture & playback the same time:

-1. capture must be start first, or else the capture channels will possibly be disorder.

-2. playback output channels must fill with 8 same channels data or 4 same stereo channels data, or else the speaker or headphone will output nothing possibly.

-3. If you want to play and record at the same time, the aplay music file must be mono, or you can not use this command to play.

Also you can play and record with Audacity.


You should open Audacity via VNC or you can just use a monitor to open it

Extract Voice¶

We use PyAudio python library to extract voice.

  • Step 1, We need to run the following script to get the device index number of 4 Mic pi hat:
  • Step 2, copy below code and paste on
  • Step 3, press Ctrl + X to exit and press Y to save.

  • Step 4, run 'sudo python' and we will see the device ID as below.

  • Step 5, change RESPEAKER_INDEX = 2 to index number. Run python script to record a speech.
  • Step 6. If you want to extract channel 0 data from 8 channels, please follow below code. For other channel X, please change [0::8] to [X::8].


Q1: There are only 4 Mic in the Mic Array, how could it be 8 channels?

A1: There are 2 AC108 in this array, and each AC108 chip has 4 channel output. So it comes a total of 8 channels here, 4 of which are for the microphone, two channels for the playback and the the rest 2 channels are not used.

Q2: If Raspberry can detect ReSpeaker 2-mics hat, but can't detect ReSpeaker 4-mics linear array?

A2: Please click raspberry -> Preferences -> Raspberry Pi Configuration, then select the Interfaces tab, make sure the 1-Wire is Disabled.


  • [PDF]AC101 Datasheet
  • [PDF]AC108 Datesheet
  • [Driver]Seeed-Voice Driver
  • [Algorithms]Algorithms includes DOA, VAD, NS
  • [Voice EngineVoice Engine project, provides building blocks to create voice enabled objects
  • [Algorithms]AEC
  • [Mechanical Drawing]2D Drawing


Mojing Mojing - A Smart Mirror with ReSpeaker!: A smart mirror with voice interface control via ReSpeaker. We also connect with Wio Link to control other objects! Based on Raspberry Pi.

Tech Support¶

Please submit any technical issue into our forum.

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