
December 19, 2011 by Staff
Filed under News, Opinion, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet( Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich’s pronouncement to have “activist judges” arrested by federal law enforcement authorities at the President’s direction isn’t the first assault on lawyers and the judiciary branch. In the late 16th century Shakespearean play, King Henry the VI—portraying an era of possible... [Read more...]

December 18, 2011 by Staff
Filed under Business, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

  1. domains on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 page 1 on 4, 1782 total items Listings of the 1782 domains that were transferred TLD, as of Tuesday, January 12, 2021.
  2. Actionify is a clean, simple and efficient task manager, inspired by Getting Things Done (GTD). It has been designed to free your mind by organizing your tasks for you. Organise your tasks using Projects and Areas; Focus lists; Drag-and-drop scheduling of tasks.

Tweet( Does the idea of asking for a raise make you squeamish? Does the idea of negotiating a better price make you want to run in the other direction? Are you charging the same for your services that you charged in 2002, afraid to tell your clients you’re raising your rates? Whether you finally got the job offer you were looking... [Read more...]

Lead Without a Title is an Android Education app that is developed by Actionify, Inc. And published on Google play store on NA. It has already got around 1000 so.

December 18, 2011 by Staff
Filed under News, Opinion, Relationships, Weekly Columns

Tweet( Self-Projection is what can separate you from your ideal man or woman.The phrase “nice guys finish last” has been around for many years. It’s true; women don’t like nice guys unless they are planning to marrying them. But it’s only because the way that these types of guys project themselves, as... [Read more...]

December 17, 2011 by Staff
Filed under News, Opinion, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet( The Ascendancy Party Platform:We believe in working to create systems of economics and governance that empower individuals to control their own life within the context of a nurturing and stable community.We do this with a specific eye on those who have historically been oppressed and underserved in America with the goal of... [Read more...]

December 17, 2011 by Staff
Filed under News, Opinion, Relationships, Weekly Columns

Tweet( What is a friend..? So many people get so caught up in the novelty of the word “friend,” that they lose sight of what the word really means. Throughout my life I have always been a very outgoing and sociable person, and in that time I have established numerous relationships with all different types of people…many of whom... [Read more...]


December 17, 2011 by Staff
Filed under News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet( How many of you fly on airplanes or frequent government buildings? If you do, you know you must show some type of government I.D. to get on a plane or enter into a government building.To my knowledge, I have never heard anyone claim they were discriminated against if they were not allowed to fly or enter a government building... [Read more...]

December 16, 2011 by Staff
Filed under Opinion, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet( While few things in politics are certain, one thing that has held true over the past several decades is that African Americans will vote Democratic.And while African Americans’ relationship with Democrats has become highly publicized marriage, a rising chorus of African American liberals and independents are quick to highlight... [Read more...]

December 16, 2011 by Staff
Filed under Brother Talk, Christian Talk, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet( It’s time for some real talk. I gotta warn you: if you’re a Christian or a pastor, you may find my words offensive. That’s not my concern. I’m just honest enough to keep things real with you.I want to address a few of the reasons why I believe more black men don’t attend church. If we really want... [Read more...]

December 16, 2011 by Staff
Filed under News, Opinion, Politics, Weekly Columns


Tweet( When Newt Gingrich, the now extremely plausible GOP nominee, stated ‘But I’m also a 68-year-old grandfather’ during Saturday’s Iowa debate when the question of marital fidelity and trust was raised, he did more than just play the victim card. In one quick swoop, Newt Gingrich effectively shot down... [Read more...]

December 15, 2011 by Staff
Filed under Business, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

Tweet( Good business plans create great roadmaps for a new or existing business. After reviewing hundred business plans in my career I have come to one conclusion. All business plans need an action plan to go with it. They need to Actionify. An action plan is different than a business plan. Most of the time business plans for... [Read more...]

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